Hi Vis Clothing
DescriptionFHOSS Electroluminescent Hi-Vis Clothing. FHOSS provides the next generation of personal protective equipment. The technology works by using enhanced reflective prismatic tape with a battery powered illuminated core. This means unlike traditional high visiblity tape, FHOSS illuminates without the need for ambient light. FHOSS technology significantly improves visibility in all conditions and harsh environments: At night, At dusk and when there's low ambient light, rain and wet conditions and in fog and mist. DimensionsSizes avaliable upon request Design and CustomisationArtworkDigital artwork should be in an Apple Macintosh compatiable format and supplied in either .pdf or .ai formats. Artwork should be emailled to info@diagraphprint.co.uk. We provide artwork design services charged at £20. ProofsElectronic proofs will be supplied for any design created by ourselves, the design will not be sent to print until the artwork has been approved. All alterations will be charged at £10, a proof will then be sent out for re-approval. Proofs not followed through will be charged at £10. Colour MatchingEvery effort will be made to match Pantone© colours, it may however be impossible to obtain the exact colour match due to the manufacturing process and varying substances. |